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Новости | История техники | Календарь Пенсильванской железной дороги

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про Нью-Йорк и не только

Календарь Пенсильванской железной дороги

В 1927 году художник-иллюстратор компании Osborne Гриф Теллер получил разовую работу по рисованию иллюстрации для большого настенного календаря Пенсильванской железной дороги на 1928 год. Работа Теллера настолько понравилась заказчику, что на следующий год железнодорожная компания попросила, чтобы над их проектом работал именно он. Сотрудничество продолжилось до 1942 года, когда компания захотела больше патриотизма на календаре, и Осборн поменяла иллюстратора проекта. Но после войны Теллер снова в деле и рисует обложку для календаря 1947 года. В 1953 году компанию Осборн продают, а должность Теллера сокращают. Но он продолжает работать над этим проектом уже самостоятельно вплоть до 1958 года, когда железнодорожная компания прекращает выпуск настенного календаря. В продолжении иллюстрации из календаря с 1925 по 1958 год.

1925-1926 год — "Speed and Security" Eastbound train, east end of Rockville Bridge, near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Milepost 110. Иллюстратор Harold M. Brett

1927 — "The Broad Way of Commerce" Steam passenger train passing steel mill by night, Pittburgh area. Иллюстратор Harold M. Brett

1928 — "When the Broadway Meets the Dawn" Eastbound Broadway Limited Juniata Valley, perhaps Milepost 158.5.

1929 — "Harnessing the Plane to the Iron Horse" Steam passenger train at Port Columbus, Ohio, airport, Milepost 183.8.

1930 — "Servant of the Nation's Industry" Rural/agricultural scene; allegorical city and industries beyond.

1931 — "Giant Conquerors of Space and Time" Rural open scene; steam train with Ford Tri-Motor airplane overhead.

1932 — "On Time!" Steam passenger train in snowstorm, alleged in broadside text to be western Indiana.

1933 — "Spirit of America" Steam passenger train with allegorical skylines of New York and Chicago.

1934 — "The New Day" Electric-powered passenger train between New York and Philadelphia.

1935 — "The World's Greatest Highway" Westbound passenger train at Horseshoe Curve, near Altoona, Pennsylvania, Milepost 242.

1936 — "Speed-Safety-Comfort" Southbound electric passenger train at Claymont, Delaware, Milepost 19.5.

1937 — "Ready to Go!" Two steam locomotives at 46th Street engine terminal, Philadelphia, Milepost 4.

1938 — "The Main Line of American Commerce" Steam freight train in rural setting; observation car receeding.

1939 — "Leaders of the Fleet of Modernism" Night view, streamlined prototype S1 steam engine and passenger trains.

1940 — "Serving the Nation" Streamlined S1 engine with passenger train in snowy countryside.

1941 — "The Steel King" Streamlined S1 engine passing U.S. Steel Edgar Thomson Works, Milepost 341.5.

1942 — "Partners in National Defense" Steam freight train passing coal mine, composite site based on St. Michael, Pennsylvania.

1943 — "Serving the Nation" Steam freight train in industrial scene with allegorical sky and "Uncle Sam" character. Иллюстратор Dean Cornwell

1944 — "Forward" Steam freight train in agricultural/industrial scene with allegorical tanks, troops, flags. Иллюстратор Dean Cornwell

1945 — "Power" Industrial scene with streamlined train pulled by prototype T1 steam engine. Иллюстратор Alexander Leydenfrost

1946 — "One Hundred Years" Lineup of four modern locomotives; also, three historical 19th century scenes. Иллюстратор Frank J. Reilly

1947 — "Working Partners" Diesel, steam trains at Marysville, Pennsylvania, Milepost 112 (Northern Central Milepost 91).

1948 — "Progressive Power" Diesel and steam trains passing at Aqueduct, Pennsylvania, Milepost 123.

1949 — "Main Lines -- Freight and Passenger" Electric-powered passenger train at Whitford, Pennsylvania, Milepost 28.

1950 — "Crossroads of Commerce" Three trains, west end of Rockville Bridge, near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Milepost 110.8.

1951 — "Main Lines of Commerce" Three trains at New Florence, Pennsylvania, composite view, approximately Milepost 290.

1952 — "The Horseshoe Curve" Three trains on Horseshoe Curve, near Altoona, Pennsylvania, Milepost 242.

1953 — "Crossroads of Commerce" Trains at east end of bridge, Weirton, West Virginia, and Steubenville, Ohio, Milepost 42.

1954 — "Pittsburgh Promotes Progress" Train passing Golden Triangle, Pittsburgh, PRR Milepost 2.3 (Conrail Milepost 4.5).

1955 — "Mass Transportation" Trains lined up at Army-Navy Game, Municipal Stadium, South Philadelphia, Milepost 5.

1956 — "Dynamic Progress" Aerotrain and piggyback TrucTrain passing at Cove, pennsylvania, Milepost 117.5.

1957 — "Vital Links to World Trade" Ore dock and unloading facilities at Pier 122, South Philadelphia, Milepost 7.

1958 — "Conway Yard" Aerial view, Conway Yard, near Pittsburgh, Milepost 23.5.

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