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Survey of Abnormal Phenomena Section

Survey of Abnormal Phenomena Section

Our section was founded in February 2010.

There were six of us, and it is still a mystery for me what has brought us together; probably it was geography that had united us. We are all very different, aging from 20 to 78, of different trades тАУ a physicist, a psychologist, a geologist, an artist, a forester, an engineerтАж Three of us have been dealing with abnormal phenomena on a professional level, the rest have merely come into the first ones occasionally. Experience and vigor, wisdom and energy have accumulated into an impetus for actual activities, and then we have been joined by other, very different and very interesting people.

Today we are handling several projects, one being this very site тАУ filling it up with information, making an electronic version of our report of a visit to Tunguska, getting prepared for new expeditions, systematization of data on abnormal phenomena and researches into abnormal phenomena.

Survey of Abnormal Phenomena Section

Expeditionary center

Expeditionary center

Tours of the expeditions cover territories of unique natural landscapes, with a multitude of historical monuments, where several dozens nationalities and ethical groups dwell, still preserving their own culture and traditions.

All this has defined several tasks and goals:

тАв Geography

тАв Ethnography and nature management

тАв Geology

тАв Bio-polar research

тАв Film making

тАв Making results available to public at large

Expeditionary center

Tourism and Local History Section

Tourism and Local History Section

This is a structural subdivision of the Novosibirsk City Palace for Creative Work of Children and Youths тАЬJuniorтАЭ. It deals with tourism, local history and culture studies and related activities.

Today the following tourism and local history subsections are available to children and youngsters:

тАв SIBIR speleological club, comprising general speleological training and experimental medicine

тАв COURAGE young rescuers school

тАв BEAVER sports tourism club

тАв Archeological club

тАв MERIDIAN local lore association

Tourism and Local History Section

Novosibirsk as the Cultural Capital of EurAsia

Novosibirsk as the Cultural Capital of EurAsia

By a whim of fate being a fortunate crossroad of various international routs, and having no special resources (apart from manpower and intellectual property)Novosibirsk just has to use what meager advantages it possesses to its own advantage. It is no secret that in the previous decade other cities of the Siberian Federal Region that have more natural resources, have outscored Novosibirsk in a number of ways, and the city has started losing its position of the capitol of Siberia. The attempts to devise some strategy for development of Novosibirsk are not more than some tactical steps, very local and very short-forecasted ones. It is only when you aspire above this routine that you can foresee some fifty years ahead.

By the way, in the course of meetings and conferences of different magnitude the Russian president has several times lamented the lack of really ambitions projects. So hereтАЩs an ambitious project for you, thank you sir.

Novosibirsk as the Cultural Capital of EurAsia

Simple secrets of nature medicine chest

Simple secrets of nature medicine chest.

There are no useless plants. There are many of them that can cure us of various maladies. What you have to prepare is various medical compounds, ointments, infusions, decoctions.

Supplementary to main treatment.

Healing plants and herbs affect the human body in different ways, but in any case you must not use medical ointments, infusions or decoctions without prior consultations with a physician. He will define the diagnosis and approve using this or that medicinal herbal compound. Main thing is тАУ the use thereof does not substitute medical treatment as prescribed by a physician. It is more of a supplement than a replacement of a pharmacological stuff.

Simple secrets of nature medicine chest

Яндекс.Метрика   the site:  Komarov Vitaly