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Photo | Wooden Nostalgy, Tomsk

Wooden Nostalgy, Tomsk

The majority of Siberian towns have their own unique image. Usually it is related to their history or geography. The most attractive sights are often linked with the old times, architectural rarities or whole streets or even districts of a town bearing the mark of long-gone days.

Wooden architecture of Tomsk is quite that peculiarity. To those who have lived or studied in Tomsk but had to leave, these buildings in the pictures are a time machine of a kind, instantly bringing them back to the past, reviving faces, events or feelings. To those who see these pictures for the first time they are a chance to get enchanted and willing to see such beauty themselves.

Photo-session by Viktoria Bidyukova (Novosibirsk)

Pictures taken on 15.06.2006

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