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The rally in the southern Urals


At Land Rover from Siberia to Nepal The rally in the southern Urals Verkhoturye - the spiritual center of the Urals Roads East Turkistan Mali. Part I. Main Details

In November 1-3, 2010 the 17th auto rally of the Centre for Patriotic Education ROSTOK took place in the south of the Tchelyabinsk region.

Visited were a gold open-air mine, an ore mill, a foam concrete plant, three local lore museums and one anatomy museum, a cathedral, a Hydro-Power Station, a customs station, a frontier post, the astronauts salvation centre, three towns and a swimming-pool.

Participating were 42 schoolchildren (Grades 3 to 11) and 7 adults.

Full version

     30.11.2010 г.

Яндекс.Метрика   the site:  Komarov Vitaly