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Contacts | Anatoly D. Belkin

Anatoly D. Belkin

Leading research associate of RI of Clinical and Experimental Lymphology of SB of RAMS.

He defended his PhD thesis on histology, cytology and embryology in 1990, and his DPhil on ecology in 1999, developing his own scientific approach of electromagnetic ecology.

He is the author of over 110 publications, including 19 patents and 1 handbook. He has been awarded a bronze medal of the All-Union Exhibition Centre and a badge of Inventor of the USSR. His name has also been included into the international Who's Who World, 2010 edition.

Participant to many expeditions (geological and local history ones), one-day and several-days tours.

His main scientific interests include:

1. Theoretical biology and medicine.

2. Electro-magnetic ecology.

3. Mycobacteriosis.

Related scientific interests include:

1. Psychology.

2. Philosophy.

3. Paleontology.

4. Archeology.

5. Geology.

6. The Tunguska problem.

7. History of science.

8. Local history and local lore.

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