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Contacts | Igor S. Novikov

Igor S. Novikov

Chairman of the Novosibirsk Branch of the Russian Geography Society. Leading scientific associate at the Novosibirsk Institute of Geology and Mineralogy of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Graduated from the Novosibirsk State University (1985) Geological survey and mineral exploration.

1985 - till present: Novosibirsk Institute of Geology and Mineralogy.

1989 candidate of sciences (geography) geomorphology and paleography

2001 doctor of sciences (geology and mineralogy) general and regional geology and geo-tectonics.

Over 150 scientific and popular science publications, including 45 articles in leading Russian (Geomorphology, Geology and Geophysics, Reports of the Academy of Sciences, Geo-tectonics, Geography and Natural Resources) and foreign (Basin Research , Tectonophysics, Acta Petrologica Sinica, Bollettino di Geofisica) journals.

Expeditions: activities for over 24 years, organizer and participant of expeditions to the Mountainous Altai, the Mongolian Altai, the Khangai, the Chinese Altai, the Chinese Tien Shan, the Jungar Depresion, the Kuznetsk Depression, the Middle-Siberian plateau and Western Mediterranian.

In 1985-1996 he was a lecturer with the chair of general and regional geology of the Geological and Geophysical Department of the Novosibirsk State University.

In 1996 -2008 4 post-graduates have defended their thesis under his guidance.

Special interests:

Seismic geology


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