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Contacts | Vitaly V. Komarov

Vitaly V. Komarov, born 1958.

Studied at universities of Novosibirsk, Moscow and Odessa, graduating from the Odessa Electro-technical Institute of Communication.

The obtained knowledge enables me to master any machinery.

My first steps and my one-year birthday took place on board a train, which determined my whole life.

I have traveled all around the country, from Brest to the Pacific, from Karelia, the Carpathian, the Crimea and the Caucasus to Central Asia.

I used to live in the Pacific Far East, at the Baikal-Amur Railroad area, in Moldova and Novosibirsk.

I have hitch-hiked across the Ukraine, the Crimea and Yakutia.

I have tried walking tours, mountaineering, water tourism and hitch-hiking.

Recently I have been studying the unique places of the Urals.

My children are travelers, too. My son went on skiing tour in the Carpathians when not yet three. My daughter has the 1st grade n tourism.

When studying the history of Russian, me and my children traveled across Central Russia, having visited over 30 monasteries.

I was destined to join the Russian Geography Society (RGO).

I really love nature, cities, people, books, music, the whole world around us, and I want to share this love of mine..

With the Novosibirsk branch of RGO I have created and been sustaining the Web-site www.rgo-sib.ru, having published over 1900 articles in two years.

Яндекс.Метрика   the site:  Komarov Vitaly