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Contacts | Victor K. Zhuravlyov

Victor K. Zhuravlyov, born 1933.

Prior to retirement in 1993 I was a scientist working in Tomsk, Novosibirsk (Akademgorodok) and Berdsk.

Candidate of sciences (physico-mathematical), thesis defended in 1969 at the Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Burning.

Since 1958 I have been on organizer of amateur complex expeditions studying the Tunguska phenomenon, taking part in 13 expeditions there. I co-published two scientific monographs and one popular science book. Last time I was head of the scientific program of the amateur expedition to the Tunguska nature preserve in 2005.

Corresponding member of the Novosibirsk organizing committee to celebrate the 100-years jubilee of the Tunguska phenomenon in 2008; participant to the Siberian and the Moscow Jubilee scientific conferences in 2008.

One of the founders and participants of All-Union inter-disciplinary scientific and technical seminars on Non-periodical Fast Phenomena in the Environment in Tomsk in the 90s.

Head of the Novosibirsk Branch of the Siberian S7R Centre Abnormal Phenomena

In 1997 - head of scientific expedition to the Northern district of the Novosibirsk Region to investigate reports on paranormal phenomena in this region, with subsequent repots at the international scientific conference in London in 2005.

At present council member of the Minimax seminar at the House of Scientists in the Akademgorodok of Novosibirsk.

I am also finalizing materials on results of expeditions to the Tunguska phenomenon.

Яндекс.Метрика   the site:  Komarov Vitaly