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Contacts | Olga Ye. Masloboeva

Olga Ye. Masloboeva

Merited traveler of Russia, twice prize winner at the Russian Championship on sport tours, many times winner of the Siberian Federal Region Championship on sports tours. Awarded the badge City Representatives in Sports , 2007.

Within seven years a team of the Novosibirsk Branch of RGO under my command has been implementing an annual project Extreme Tracks of the World On Bike. The team includes professional photographers and video-operators, all of them experiences travelers and tourists. Many routes have been covered by the Novosibirsk bike team for the first time. Results of such expeditions have been presented to public in Novosibirsk, Barnaul, Tomsk and Surgut.


Beyond History Texbook, 1998 schoolchildren cycle race around Czech.

Viking Tracks, 2003 students cycle race across Scandinavia.

The Tibet Cycle Marathon, 2004 Kashgar the Tibet Plateau the Kailas Mountain - Katmandu. This route was taken under extreme conditions of low temperatures, highland conditions, constant and clothes-piercing winds.

The Unexplored Karakorum, 2005 part of the ancient caravan route from China to India. Now it is the Karakorum highway connecting the Chinese Kashgar with Islamabad of Pakistan. This expedition also comprised a mountainous part trekking to the Baltoro glacier where there are four 8K+ including the world s second highest K-2 mountain.

The documentary The Unexplored Karakorum won the video contest at the Golden Compass Festival in 2006.

Patagonia the Far and the Near, 2006. After ascending the Aconcagua (6959 ),the highest peak of the Western and the Southern hemisphere, the second, bicycle, stage included the unique Pinochet Road (Carretera Austral)on the border of Chile and Argentina. We reached the unique glacier of Patagonia, Prito Moreno . After crossing the Strait of Magellan, the expedition ended in the Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego, in the southernmost city of the Earth, Ushuaia.

In the Land Beyond the Couds: Eastern Tibet, 2007. This expedition encompassed the Eastern Tibet, in the interfluve of the two great great Chinese rivers, the Huang He and the Yangzi. We have overcome the highest passes of the Qinghai plateau, visited the Danbe, the land of impassable rocks and the thousand of rock towers . All in all, over a thousand miles of rocky gorges, including a portion of the ancient Yunnan-Tibet Tea Horse Road .

The corresponding documentary became a laureate of the inter-regional travelers festival "The 56th Parallel" in Tomsk.

New Zealand, the Kiwi Land, 2008. Our team got to New Zealand, the far and hot edge of the Earth. The land of unique landscapes and fast-changing weathers, the land of brave people that are used to rely on their own strengths only, the land of extreme sports fans. Geysers and mineral spas of a multitude of geothermal zones, active volcanoes, deep caves and the moist fern forest of the Northern Island. Fiords, lava fields, snow-capped mountains and many-miles glaciers descending like tongues straight into coniferous forests of the Southern Island. In 4 weeks we have crossed the two islands, taken pictures of the relict kiwi bird, risen up to a group of volcanoes, gone around the tallest mountain, the Cook Mtn. and over the 600m high waterfall.

On the Roads of Eastern Turkestan, 2009. We have traveled around the most diverse and interesting places of Central Asia, copying the routes of the first expeditions of the great Russian travelers N.Przhevalsky and P.Kozlov.

We have visited the ancient oases of Great Silk Route, got submerged into the past of local ancient cultures, visited the Turfan Hollow, the driest, the lowest and the hottest spot of China, gone along the Flaming Mountains and taken a walking tour in the Tian Shan Grand Canyon, the unique natural phenomenon.

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