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Contacts | Vladmir Medvedev

Vladmir Medvedev

Vladmir Medvedev, born February 16, 1988.

Since his childhood ha has been travelling a lot, and by the time of the first Mongolia expedition has already visited most European countries, the Russian North and the Altai region.

When I first visited Mongolia I was so impressed with this amazing country that I realized that I would come back here a number of times. So it happened. In the next four years I was busy organizing and conducting new expeditions there and processing the taken materials. The result of this was my picture album Wildlife Pictures: The Amazing Mongolia which won the Publishers Association of Russia (PAR) contest Best Books of the Year . My pictures, taken during the Mongolia expeditions, have either won or been nominated by the largest Russian Wildlife Pictures contest The Golden Turtle.

At present I am working on a picture album on national parks of Canada. On behalf of the Wildlife Photographers Union I am dealing with the first in Russia large project on the Valdai National park.

I am a member of the Wildlife Photographers Union and one of the founders of the Wildlife Photographers Club.

Under support of the Big Holidays tourism company I have published an album Wildlife Pictures: The Amazing Mongolia .

Together with Sergey Osipov I have founded the Wildlife Photographers Club.

I cooperate with nature reserves of Russia.


Many times winner and finalist of the Golden Turtle contest.

The Golden Turtle-1: Youngest finalist prize,

The Golden Turtle-2: winner of the Magic of Plants nomination,

The Golden Turtle-3: main prize of Centre of Ecological Travels,

The Golden Turtle-4: best photography of nature of Russia - Birds.

Wildlife Pictures: The Amazing Mongolia has won the first place in the nomination of Best publication contributing to cultural dialogue.




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