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Contacts | Alexander V. Yudushkin

Alexander V. Yudushkin

Graduate of the Novosibirsk Electro-technical Communications Institute.

His first tour took place in 1969.

Over one hundred tours, dozens of pioneering tours and hikes of the highest difficulty.

Master of Sports, many-times prize-winner at the USSR Tourism Championships.

Developer of expedition gear and tourism technologies.

In 1988 he has created the USSR Union of Guides which organized various tours with participation of leading athletes and leaders of tourism industry.

He is the organizer and the leader of dozens of car tours, most of them being unique, having covered thousands of miles on roads and tracks of Asia.

Head of Expeditionary center of the ND RGO.

The expedition section has been created with the idea to conduct full-scale complex expeditions..

Availability of 6Land Rover Defender SW-110 cars enables conducting complex expeditions of up to a hundred participants (with driver shifts) to any part of Asia, carrying the several tons load of equipment and gear and lasting for several months.

Extensive experience of dealing with embassies, customs and local administrations make it possible to travel to almost any country in Asia.

Dozens of thousands miles of roads have already been covered, dozens of countries visited, dozens of tours organized.

Яндекс.Метрика   the site:  Komarov Vitaly